Do you need help?
Real Estate with Causes May Be Your Answer!
Real Estate with Causes has helped touch the lives of thousands of families in need, social service agencies and numerous charitable organizations worldwide. We review each help request, case by case, and determine whether or not we can be of assistance based on our findings. If you would like to apply for help, please scroll down and briefly explain your situation, needs and contact information.
Complete The Simple Form Below and We Will Contact You Shortly! We do want to help each and every one of you but unfortunately we do not have the telephone budget or manpower to listen to each case over the telephone. We instead dedicate our phone lines to making sure we always have a staff member available to handle those that are looking to make a generous donation. If we miss the donors phone call, we will be less able to assist you when it comes time for your needs! After the application is submitted, the Board of Directors will review the information provided, then review their inventory, and if they are able to assist you then you will be contacted within 30 days. All applications are valid for 30 days, so if you do not hear from them within that time frame then you can apply again. (Please respect this wish of not calling our staff with your needs. We Will Contact You after you complete this form.)
*Please be advised that if you are currently receiving assistance from one or more of these sources(TANF, SSI,SSDI,Welfare, Food Stamps, etc..)acceptance of tangible property, gifts, financial assistance or services(Additional income) may affect or terminate your current benefits.